Actually, I had belonged to the Kobe branch under the Japanese inter-collage organization: JMUN 3 years and I withdrew from JMUN. Through 3 year, gradually I got tired MUN activity because I was “Senpai” so I have to keep in mind supporting newcomers. It means that I cannot pretend to ambasoddor. And in JMUN activity, more and more having effort, called “Mogi-kiti” which is an offensive and insulting term.
2年前、初めてJapan English Model United Nations 2013に参加したときは、かなりのフラストレーションがあったことを覚えている。MDGsの2025年までへの自動延長を先進国のドイツが主張し、それは途上国にとってどれだけ残酷なことなのか、と当時レソト大使だった私は拙い英語を使いながら声を荒げてなんとか訴えたが、それによって自分が攻撃的な人間と思われているようで不快だった。また、プロシージャーや世界観がこれまで私が参加してきた模擬国連とは大きく異なっていた。日本模擬国連とJUEMUNの間には、大きな溝があると感じていた。
I remember that I had very big frustration in JUEMUN 2011. One delegate insists that we should reset MDGs deadline 2015 to 2025 automatically because of financial crisis. I as the delegates representing Lesotho, which country is developing, manage to appeal that deadline extension without review is so cruelty that we should not make such idea. And the rule of procedure is not the same as what we use, so I raised placard and called “Point” to Chairs. I felt other participants think of me as “bad attacking man” so I was displeasure.
In Conclusion, I defined that there are big trench between JUEMUN and JMUN in 2012.
Getting tired to MUN, and feeling big trench, this two reason do not make me motivated. Unfortunately, I cannot research to this event because I was recruited by some MUN activity. Yes, before I join to JUEMUN, I wanted to cancel JUEMUN 2013. And I had the question: Should I join to JUEMUN? In JUEMUN 2011, perhaps I make event chaos. I’m afraid that I give frustration to JUEMUN again.
ところが、今年の閉会式で私が言った言葉は、“I experienced more 17 MUN activities, but JUEMUN in this year is the MOST MOST MOST wonderful conference.”だった。
But in closing ceremony, behalf of Osaka University, I commented: “I experienced more 17 MUN activities, but JUEMUN in this year is the MOST MOST MOST wonderful conference.”
The reason why I said so: First, nationalities of participants are diverse. Second, I was inspired by speaking English skill of participants. Final one is that I could find the enjoyment of “telling something from my heart” and “to be told something from his/her heart.”
参加者の国籍が多様なことは、国際会議に近いことを日本国内で行えるという素晴らしい企画だったと思う。それも廉価な値段で! 模擬国連は本来様々な国籍の人との多文化理解を促進するための学習ツールだったはずだ。そのことを思い出させてくれた。
Nationalities of participants are diverse――It means that we Japanese can experience quesi-international conference with very cheap fee. How nice this event was! This event reminds me that Model UN is one tool to study multicultural international society, which means we have to recognize many nationalities each other.
次に、参加者の英語にInspireされたこと。少しは聞き取れるようになっていたので、他の参加者の英語の素晴らしさに気づくことが出来た。特に帰国子女や留学生の英語は、的確に相手の意見を分析して、反論を組み立てていたけれども、3センテンスで反論を組み立てられていたのが興味深かった。私はまだ、I disagree with you because…と1センテンスでしか反論できない。いつか彼らのように喋られるようになりたいと思った。
Other participants inspire me by speaking English. In this year, my listening skill is higher than two years ago, so I could catch the nice counterargument. Especially in foreign students, they use 3 sentences to counter-argue. First sentence is response. for example, “I see what you mean”. Next, they point out the difference between them. Finally, they counter-argue. I still manage to say one sentence, for example: “I have slightly different view to you because……” I want to catch up their logical English speaking skill.
Finally, I introduced that I found the happiness to “tell my heart to anyone who's from overseas” with story of JUEMUN.
どうやらDR製作グループと調整済みだったようだが、外交的表現はすなわち骨抜きを意味するので、アメンド案をUnfriendly Amendmentにした。しかし、外交的表現と言われればアンフレが通る確率はとても高いように思われた。
Actually, in this MUN, my proposal was very radical related to violation of sovereignty rights, so operative clause which is proposed by me is amended by other country without announcement. I managed to decline amendment proposal. amendment changed to "Unfriendly amendment". When before the voting action starts, I went to Cameroon/Nepal delegates and said: "I'm sorry to decline amendment" because they are the member of sponsor of DR. But Cameroon and Nepal cheer up me by saying: "I understand your proposal somehow". It surprised me and I was cheered up.
Unfriendly amendment is introduced to the floor by saying, "This amendment has 'more diplomatic words'" so my declining shocks to floor.(I guess) In voting, about 50 delegates said "yes" and about 30 delegates said "abstain". But 6 delegates, including Cameroon and Nepal (and Haiti, Costa Rica)raise their placard to show their answer is "against" for Unfriendly amendment.
I was moved. Because of my poor English, I feel there are big wall in-front of me. But, even if it is 6 people, I could to tell my intention somehow. Yes, I knew: I can tell my heart to anyone who's from overseas.
もちろん悔しさも残る。けれども、悔しさが残ったことこそが、僕にとってこの会議がMost Most Most Wonderfulな理由なんだ。
Of course I felt mortification. But it is the main reason I said: “JUEMUN this year is the MOST MOST MOST wonderful conference”.
I never say again: MUN is boring. Now, I feel like touching new Model United Nation!
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